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Warehouse Order

This functionality is used between warehouses where stock transfers are required. For example – If warehouse A has raised (Stock order/requisition to the warehouse) to warehouse B. It will be treated as a Stock warehouse order for Warehouse B. The stock warehouse order will show in warehouse B.

In this document, we will explain how to process stock warehouse orders (for warehouse B)
The process is simple, the way it is done in the case of Sales Order. It contains the following steps :

  • Stock Warehouse Order
  • Stock Warehouse Packing
  • Stock Warehouse Invoicing

Stock Warehouse Order

By default, the status of warehouse orders will be Processing

  1. Select Warehouse Facility > Operations tab > Warehouse order > Stock warehouse order
  2. Stock order grid list will open. By default, the latest order will be seen on top.
  3. At a glance, you will see order no, warehouse, date, amount, delivery date.
  4. Click on the Small arrow on the left of order no, to view the summary of items placed in the order.
  5. To view the detailed order, Click on the order.
  6. After order is opened, there are 2 buttons below on which you can take action-
    • To Hold the order > click on Hold button
    • To Unhold the order > Click on Unhold button
    • To Cancel the order > Click on Cancel button

Types of Stock Warehouse Order Status

Ease My Production helps easy management of orders via their statuses. At a glance, you can immediately view the status of any particular order with color demarcation.

  • Processing (when order is received from other warehouse)
  • Partial Completed (when partial qty invoice is generated)
  • Completed (when complete qty invoice is generated)
  • Partial Cancelled (when partial qty invoice is generated and order is cancelled after that)
  • On hold (when the order is marked as hold by warehouse)
  • Cancelled (when complete invoice qty is cancelled)

Stock Warehouse Packing

Packing is done when the items in an order are ready to ship/dispatch from the warehouse. Please ensure that item is in stock before creating packing. To know more about the stock updates, Click here

  1. To Create Packing > Go to Inventory > Operations > Warehouse Order > Stock Warehouse Order
  2. Choose Stock warehouse Order from the order grid list.
  3. Order page will open > go to Packing tab
  4. Click “Add Packing” button.
  5. Choose Packing Number from dropdown.
  6. Enter Packed quantity. Ensure that item is in stock before adding packed qty. System will not allow packing if item not in stock.
  7. To know how to add items in stock click here.
  8. Enter Remarks (if any)
  9. Click on Create Packing.

Once the Packing is created, it will show Ready as status. You can view Packing details under
Inventory > Operations > Warehouse Order > Stock Warehouse Packing and also in the Inner Packing tab of the stock warehouse order.

Cancel Packing

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Stock Warehouse Packing > Select Packing no which you want to cancel
  2. Click on Cancel button
  3. Cancelled packing will show status as Cancelled.

Note :

1. Packing can only be “Cancelled” if it is in “Ready” State only, Once “Invoiced” cannot be cancelled.
2. When the packing is created, it will reduce/minus the packed stock qty of the particular item.
3. When packing is cancelled, packed item stock qty will be reverted back.
4. When packing is cancelled, the invoice cannot be generated.

Types of Packing Status

  • Ready (when packing is created)
  • Invoiced (after packing is invoiced)
  • Cancelled (when packing is cancelled)

Stock Warehouse Invoice

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Warehouse Order > Stock Warehouse Packing > Select Packing no for which you want to generate invoice
  2. Click on Create Invoice button
  3. Select Invoice no from dropdown
  4. Click on Confirm
  5. Packing will show status as Invoiced.

After invoice creation, the Packing status will be updated as Invoiced. You can view Invoice details under
Inventory > Operations >  Warehouse Order > Stock Warehouse Invoice and also in the Inner Invoice tab of the stock warehouse order.

Cancel Invoice

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Warehouse Order > Stock Warehouse Invoice > Select Invoice no which you want to cancel
  2. Click on Cancel button
  3. Invoice will show status as Cancelled.

Types of Invoice Status

  • Invoiced (when invoiced)
  • Cancelled (when invoice is cancelled)
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