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Costing Charge

Costing charges are the charges that are considered with the item costing. You can define multiple charges. For eg – labour cost, electricity cost, overheads etc.

Add costing charge

  1. Log in to “Ease My Production” Software with login credentials.
  2. Go to Manufacturing > Masters > Costing Charge List.
  3. On Costing charge List page, click “Add Costing charge” button.
  1. On the Costing charge List page, fill the required fields.
  2. Select the calculation type – Percentage or fixed amount. Percentage will be calculated on item cost and fixed amount will show the amount that you feed here.
  1. Select status from dropdown active/inactive
  2. Click on “Submit”
  3. Incase you wish to make any changes/change status, edit the details and click on “Update”
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