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Sales Order Packing

Packing is done when the items in an order are ready to ship/dispatch from the warehouse

Create Packing

  1. Select Warehouse facility > Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Sales Order
  2. Choose Sales Order for which packing is to be created.
  3. Click Packing tab.
  4. Click Add Packing button.
  5. Choose Packing Number from dropdown.
  6. Enter Packed quantity. Ensure that item is in stock before adding packed qty. System will not allow packing if item not in stock.
  7. Enter Remarks (if any)
  8. Click on Create Packing.

Once the Packing is created, it will show Ready as status. You can view Packing details under
Inventory > Operations > Sales > Packing and also in the Inner Packing tab of the sales order.

Cancel Packing

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Packing > Select Packing no which you want to cancel
  2. Click on Cancel button
  3. Cancelled packing will show status as Cancelled.

Note :

1. Only when Packing is in “Ready” state can be cancelled, Once it is Invoiced Packing can not be Cancelled.
2. When the packing is created, it will reduce/minus the packed stock qty of the particular item.
3. When packing is cancelled, packed item stock qty will be reverted back.
4. When packing is cancelled, invoice cannot be generated.

Types of Packing Status

  • Ready (when packing is created)
  • Invoiced (after packing is invoiced)
  • Cancelled (when packing is cancelled)

Create Invoice

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Packing > Select Packing no which you want to generate invoice
  2. Click on Create Invoice button
  3. Select Invoice no from dropdown
  4. Click on Confirm
  5. Packing will show status as Invoiced.

After invoice creation, the Packing status will be updated as Invoiced. You can view Invoice details under
Inventory > Operations > Sales >Invoice and also in the Inner Invoice tab of the sales order.

Cancel Invoice

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Invoice > Select Invoice no which you want to cancel
  2. Click on Cancel button
  3. Invoice will show status as Cancelled.

Types of Invoice Status

  • Invoiced (when invoiced)
  • Cancelled (when invoice is cancelled)
  • Complete Return (when complete invoice qty is returned from customer)
  • Partial Return (when partial invoice qty is returned from customer)

Note :

1. When Invoice is cancelled, return cannot be created.

Create Return from Customer

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Invoice > Select Invoice no which you want to create return
  2. Click Return from Customer button
  3. Select Return no from dropdown
  4. Enter Item Qty Return and select Inventory Type Good or Bad in which return is to be marked.
  5. Click on Create Return
  6. Invoice will show status as Complete Returned/Partial Returned.

After Return from customer, the Invoice status will be updated as Complete Returned/Partial Returned. You can view Return from customer details under
Inventory > Operations > Sales > Return from Customer and also in the Inner Returns tab of the sales order.

Cancel Return from Customer

  1. Go to Inventory > Operations > Sales > Return from Customer > Select Return No which you want to cancel
  2. Click on Cancel button
  3. Cancelled Return from customer will show status as Cancelled.

Note :

1. When Return from customer is is cancelled, stock qty of particular item will be reverted back

Types of Return from Customer Status

  • Return (when invoice is returned)
  • Cancelled (when return is cancelled)
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