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Tax Master

Tax master is a tool which helps to define tax structure applied on products and category which will be followed in sales order, invoices, purchase orders etc.

Add Tax

  1. Log in to “Ease My Production” Software with login credentials.
  2. Go to Inventory > Masters > Tax Master.
  3. On the Tax Master page, click “Add Tax” button.
  1. On the Add Tax page, fill the “Tax name”. For eg – IGST, CGST, SGST.
  2. On Tax Rate mention the tax percentage i.e 18, 9 etc.
  3.  Select Status from dropdown Active/Inactive.
  4. Click on “Submit”
  5. You can reset the tax structure anytime by pressing “Reset”. Also if you want to make any changes, go to tax page, make the changes and click on “Update”
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